Game RPGM – Prowler [v1.09] [Grove Dev] | Free Full Version!

Today, we are very excited to share the latest adult game that is sure to pique your curiosity and entertain you. This game is titled RPGM – Prowler [v1.09] [Grove Dev] |

, and we believe it will become a favorite among fans of this genre. In this game, you will discover various interesting elements, such as unique characters, a deep storyline, and stunning graphics. We have compiled comprehensive information to help you learn more about this game. To embark on your adventure, we have also provided a download link below, so you can easily download this game to your device. Make sure to check the required system specifications before downloading to ensure a smooth gaming experience. We have thoroughly tested this game, and we are confident that you will find the gameplay challenging and satisfying. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts after trying out this game, as we greatly value feedback from players. We hope you enjoy every moment in this game, and may RPGM – Prowler [v1.09] [Grove Dev] |

take you into a world full of adventure and excitement!

About this game
An M/M focused action RPG with light ‘extraction’ mechanics.
Venture forth into expeditions, collect resources and loot,
and try to make it out unscathed!

You are Kivuli, a ‘Night Prowler’.
As a clan member of a nomadic pack of wyverns,
the day has finally come for you to hunt alone
and prove yourself to your pack.
Following a strange discovery, you find yourself alone…
and must hunt, explore, gather and craft to not only survive,
but to find your packmates.

GameUpdated: 2024-10-03
Release Date: 2024-10-02
Developer: Grove Dev Itch.ioDiscordWebsite
Censored: No
Version: 1.09
OS: Windows, Linux
Language: English
Other Games: Grove

2D Game, 2DCG, Anal sex, Bdsm, Creampie, Furry, Gay, Male protagonist, Rape, Rpg, Tentacles


1. Extract and run.



– Downgraded NW.js from 0.92 to 0.72 for compatibility with Windows 7 – 8.1 devices.
– Increased size of scaletree farm interaction box.
– Reduced STUN protection scaling from 2% reduction per DEF, to 1% per DEF.
– Added additional speed-resets post escape / rest to prevent state-based speed reductions from lingering.
– Added HUD removal redundancy to prevent cases of darkened screens even when associated equip is removed.
– Added stun removal exception for ‘Old Trap Chestbinds’, ‘Reinforced O.T.C’ and ‘Leather Chestbinds’.
– Added missing Writhing Mass 02 CG to the Gallery.
– Adjusted QTE text from ‘mash’ to ‘press’.
– Adjusted Time-Out safety check to use a forced map leave instead of the option variant to prevent players getting stuck on a black screen.
– Adjusted cooking pot interaction to not automatically apply the upgrade until the campfire has been build.
– Fixed inconsistent Whip stm regen, causing it to stop regenerating after one a single swing, due to stm adjustments calculated before higher stm cost calculated (Likely cause of the final boss STM issue).
– Fixed lingering transparency when dashing into the tutorial end trigger event.
– Fixed Sentry gabs not translating despite having the translation option active.
– Fixed Trapper-Friendly dialogue from appearing on props despite player.
– Fixed Tonic Focusers occasionally providing two tonic effects at once due to selection variable not skipping the overall tonic selection event (selecting tonic 1 would still check through tonics 2, 3, 4 etc).
– Fixed Heavy Glowing Piercings not being able to be disenchanted.
– Fixed Trap/Misc CG menu missing ‘Return’ text.
– Fixed incorrect ‘Spitter-step’ state description (adjusted from 15% to 20%).
– Fixed Poacher Drone interactions in the Right-Up Savannah node.
– Removed the ability to quit out of the final boss defeat ‘Leave’ option, rendering you stuck on the plinth.

– Fixed final boss occasionally repeating the first teleport scene after breaking the pylon due to internal timer overriding the end-scene eventing.


– Increased will-corruption gain from Reaver / Ambusher captures from 40 to 60.
– Added redundancy item gain for Chieftain’s Clasp if the item is lost before crafting the mantle. (You must have the woven set unlocked.)
– Adjusted recipe of Stone arrows to 2x Ironbush sticks and 2x Flint Shards.
– CRITICAL: Fixed final boss defeat not triggering a permanent game over. If you were defeated by the boss in a previous save and were taken back to your camp, your save may be damaged.
– Fixed Poacher arm coverings not unlocking the accessory when disenchanted. (you will have to disenchant the gloves again in order to unlock the accessory)
– Adjusted capture eventing in cases of the player and opponent defeating each other at the same time (player has advantage).
– Fixed Spiker tonic regen stopping due to quick-switching / swapping out weapons.
– Fixed Grazer Loin drop item weighing 5 instead of 1.
– Fixed Throwing Knife Holster visual remaining even after unequipped.
– Fixed Underground barrier inconsistencies.
– Fixed Gallery CGs overlapping when multiple are played in one instance.
– Fixed slow-speed items overriding the Quick-Step and Harasser tonic.
– Fixed disenchanting the Leather mask and chest binds giving you duplicates.
– Fixed incorrect removal item description for Leather Chestbinds.
– Fixed Final Boss starting on the incorrect phase due to attack charge variable not resetting between previous bosses.
– Fixed Final Boss double TP due to speeding up dialogue.
– Fixed Chieftain’s Mantle crafting cancel not giving back the clasp item.
– Typo / grammar fixes.


– Updated NWJS to on windows builds 0.92 to improve deployment performance.
– ‘The Fortress’ task description updated for clarity.
– ‘Serpents and Shamans’ task description updated for clarity.
– Updated general Task description / requirements.
– Increased size of ability description box.
– Increased size of shaman dungeon bridge hitbox.
– Adjusted position of Blue spitter in the fisher’s Hut locale.
– Added an additional drop-down point in a side node from the Streams.
– Added ‘setDefaultSpeed’ event to enemy capture eventing in off chance that a stun procs the moment the player is captured, causing a permanent reduction in speed until rest.
– Added forced STM-regen switches during final boss fight phase change events to prevent STM regen from stopping.
– Added missing material requirement to the berry pile.
– Added grapple reset redundancies to prevent incorrect grapple images from appearing.
– Added a CG switch resetter event that runs when the character refreshes to prevent occurance of leaking CGs across other events.
– Added redundancies to off chance where the ‘maxed-out’ switch for the Old Traps would suddenly play the scene again even when not bound.
– Added missing well-bred state post poacher capture.
– Added redundant ‘grapple-off’ states to further prevent post-grapple defeats freezing all enemies on the map.
– Added redundancy for if the player progresses past ‘Setting Down Roots’ task without completing it.
– Disabled dashing against crates to prevent clipping issues.
– Fixed issue of lingering CG on the third stage of the final boss.
– Fixed overlap issues with Kivu’s introductory tent.
– Fixed capture escape dialogue with Maku not restoring the HUD.
– Fixed missing Savia plant in the second Savannah entrance.
– Fixed Spitter boss ‘grapple’ defeat not teleporting the player to the correct capture area.
– Fixed Spitter boss defeat causing the game to lock up if no space is free for the spitter to walk backwards into.
– Fixed audio sub-options not saving (disabled menu audio-muffle).
– Fixed Lurker causing an insta-defeat the first time.
– Fixed one-time chest in the spitter hideout causing another one-time chest in the Streams dungeon to open. (converted to a respawning chest).
– Fixed Shaman Garth scene from skipping over the night encounter if player rushes ahead to the Shaman.
– Fixed black-screen issue caused by the scripted night Garth encounter when a player rests indoors.
– Fixed redundant accessory stats.
– Fixed Stinger post-capture black screen on first scene.
– Fixed player freezing when entering the Fortress when the player does not have the ‘Fortress’ task on hand (optional task).
– Fixed incorrect Hunter-Bound Suit state description when attempting to disenchant / remove.
– Fixed infinite Savannah chest.
– Fixed Shaman tasks being unlocked via dialogue from other characters.
– Fixed looping text when handing in fish at max reputation.
– Fixed translation switch text in Sentry dungeon.

– Added redundancy event for NPC timings

– Fixed old trap event repeating when selecting the ‘remain in place’ option. (Note that if you are already stuck in the choice option, selecting remain in place again will break you out but will lose your items.)
– Removed placeholder text when pushing blue boxes in a certain way.
– Added wall to the back of the holding area.
– Adjusted pitch of grass step pitch to reduce high pitched distortion.
– Fixed lingering ‘grapple-state’ due to Lurker drop-down event not clearing if failed.
– Fixed bug where losing twice to an ambusher or reaver would stop the escape event from running.
– Fixed crafting accessories giving you invisible items (not supposed to give anything).
– Added additional fade and tint switches post Snatcher Plant scene.
– Fixed a textwrapping issue.
– Removed repeating Jungle Vambrace recipe.
– Mask bind HUD now removed upon Kwolo service.

– Fixed STM tutorial image getting stuck on the screen during the initial Spitter fight.
– Fixed ‘event error’ message occuring during camp-attack sequence when boss attempts to teleport.
– Fixed Decaying Complex trap fails causing the event to continue post defeat.
– Added kit-off switches to prevent spitter capture area from forcing a reset.
– Adjusted ‘knock’ effect timing to ensure that it lines up with the renown-board.
– Added additional redundancies to Charger attack event to prevent ‘no-capture’ error.
– Added additional switches to prevent Sentry capture scenes from not turning off.
– Added back-up rep-board eventing condition.
– Fixed walk-down eventing issue.
– Added back-up TP for self-Sustenance side task unlock.
– Reputation board now has to be unlocked in order to see merchant visit messages.
– Disabled time-pass mechanic for the metal binding trap (causing too many issues).

Demo version
– Includes one ‘expedition’ level and 6 ‘scenes’.

Developer Notes:

Contains M/M focused intercourse, dubcon / noncon sexual encounters, tentacles, BDSM, and some latex. (Subject to change in the future)


MOVEMENT : ‘WASD / Arrow keys’
PRIMARY / MELEE ATTACK: ‘Mouse 1 / Left mouse button’
SECONDARY / RANGED ATTACK: ‘Mouse 2 / Right mouse button’
DASH: ‘Space’
HIDE PORTRAIT: ‘Shift’ (toggle between ‘hold’ and ‘toggle’ in the options)



As a closing remark, we hope you enjoy every moment of this game and find plenty of excitement within it. Don’t forget to stay tuned for updates and the latest information about other exciting games. Thank you for joining our community, and have fun!

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