Game Ren’Py – Killigan’s Treasure [v0.51] [Eddio] | Free Full Version!

Today, we are very excited to share the latest adult game that is sure to pique your curiosity and entertain you. This game is titled Ren’Py – Killigan’s Treasure [v0.51] [Eddio] |

, and we believe it will become a favorite among fans of this genre. In this game, you will discover various interesting elements, such as unique characters, a deep storyline, and stunning graphics. We have compiled comprehensive information to help you learn more about this game. To embark on your adventure, we have also provided a download link below, so you can easily download this game to your device. Make sure to check the required system specifications before downloading to ensure a smooth gaming experience. We have thoroughly tested this game, and we are confident that you will find the gameplay challenging and satisfying. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts after trying out this game, as we greatly value feedback from players. We hope you enjoy every moment in this game, and may Ren’Py – Killigan’s Treasure [v0.51] [Eddio] |

take you into a world full of adventure and excitement!


About this game
Set in the land of Canavar, you play as a bull-like barbarian named Killigan Stoneworth, determined to follow an enchanted treasure map throughout the world. He meets several companions along the way that join him in his quest for unimaginable riches, and who can become more than companions, if you wish.

: more info

Killigan’s Treasure follows an overarching plot at heart, but you CAN choose to pursue a relationship with certain companions (All relationships are currently M/M). Each of them has their own backstory and events that tie back into the overarching plot, so you don’t miss out on any story-critical information just for pining after a boyfriend.

GameUpdated: 2024-10-04
Release Date: 2024-09-25
Developer: Eddio Itch.ioPatreonTwitter
Censored: No
Version: 0.51
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

Male Protagonist, Gay, 2dcg, dating simulator, Romance, Furry, Mobile Game


1. Extract and run.



This update kicks off the start of Day 8, one of the last days we’ll be spending in Spiceport. There’s quite a few variations of events for today too, good luck finding them all! Next month’s update will definitely be normal compared to this one!


Hey y’all!
Much shorter story update than usual this month, due to Sex Drive development and work put towards other projects…however, a couple old CGs that were left unfinished are now fully rendered! Additionally, a certain steamy scene with Zhokhar has gotten an extra CG or two…load up an old save and check it out!
Itching for more? Take a ride with Sex Drive, released earlier this month! It’s a collection of stories about a horny crocodile trucker, done in a different type of “visual novel” style, but still packed to the brim with bangin’ tunes, erotic endeavors, and smokin’ hot photos…plus it’s gearing up for more soon!
Hope y’all enjoy!

Hey y’all!
This build picks up immediately where the last one left off, and leads into a short, but varied, exploration segment. Maybe even a visit to everyone’s favorite park…
Additionally, the gallery has been updated to include all major CGs that have been introduced in Spiceport City so far. Turns out there’s a lot of ’em!
Lastly, we’re on track to potentially release v.0.1 of Sex Drive in the first half of November, available to everyone for free! Can’t wait ’til then? If you pledge $10+ to the KT patreon, you’ll have access to a beta build that currently has ALL of the major content that’ll be in v.0.1 (and a key to the full game once it’s ready!)! Please note that ONLY v.0.1 will be free, v.0.2 and later will have a price tag of around $10USD.
You can find out more about Sex Drive’s beta and how it’ll be released here!
Hope y’all enjoy!
HOTFIX: Addressed a bug and adjusted a couple things:

Playing through sex scenes in SFW mode should no longer hide the choice menu
Lowered the volume of the main menu music
Introduced more accessible points for the Gallery to be unlocked (namely at the very end of the prologue, or upon entering the skip point menu from starting a new game)
Hey y’all!
Sorry for the one-day delay, wanted to be sure the patron build was completed to satisfaction before pushing out the next build here!
Standard update otherwise, following up on what happened to Zhokhar and Taavi last build and finally beginning Day 6!
Sex Drive work is still progressing, we’ve got the first story essentially on lock and are making steady progress on the second. Stop by the Redroot discord if y’all want, we’ve answered a lot of questions already about how it’s going and what we’ll be doing with it!
Hope y’all enjoy!

Hey y’all!
Still slightly on the shorter side, but this build finally caps off Day 5 of Spiceport! Additionally, there’s a new area that’s now possible to visit on the map, from last month’s content. You’ll have to load up an earlier save to access it, but I wonder who could be waiting there…?
Also, thanks so much for all the hype and support y’all have shown for Sex Drive so far! We’re super excited to get a demo in player hands as soon as possible, but it’s gonna be just a liiiittle bit longer. Stay tuned for more info!
Anyway, hope y’all enjoy this month’s build!

Hey y’all!
In this update, we go right into day 4 of Spiceport City! While a few other events occur, the big feature of this build is the addition of fishing! It functions off the same QTE system as before…but with a little twist! Hopefully, y’all will enjoy it as a fun moneymaking replacement to sparring with the clutchmates…!
Additionally, I wanna take a moment to point out that today marks the game’s 5th year since its release!
KT’s been in development for half a decade now since its initial release…which is WILD. I’m only able to continue doing this thanks to y’all’s generosity and support, be it feedback or fanart or anything in between. I am IMMENSELY grateful, and there’s no way I express it enough.
Thank you all so much for supporting this project, here’s to more! Maybe some of that side stuff I mentioned last year will see the light of day this year, who knows…
Lastly, as stated last month, I’ll be taking February off to rest and recharge. There probably won’t be a new build next month, but if there is, it’ll likely be what equates to housekeeping, at most.
And that’s pretty much it! Thanks again y’all, hope you enjoy this build!


Hey y’all!
Hefty-sized update this time, featuring lots to explore with companions now that brunch is done and bellies are filled!
There may also be something I’ll do in a week or two, to gauge interest for a certain kind of merchandise…stay tuned!
Hope y’all enjoy!

This month’s update starts out day 2 of Spiceport City, and continues the discussion about looming threats headed by Binini and Komoli! It’s not quite as lengthy as I’d have liked unfortunately, but it’s been a very busy month… Next month’s update should cap off day 2 at the very least..
Hope y’all enjoy, and Happy Halloween!

HOTFIX: Added a failsafe for certain scenes not playing correctly and small adjustments based on feedback.



Hey y’all!
This build contains the first steps into the Crystal Plains for Killigan and his companions, with several (shorter) days of content! It’s time to get back into the swing of travelling, with lifelong friends as company and new encounters to discover!
The only thing not in this update is the gallery feature (again), we were both too busy to commit enough time to it this month. Next month shouldn’t introduce multiple new systems at once however, so it’ll likely be ready for v.0.23.
Hope y’all enjoy!

HOTFIX: Fixed several asset-related bugs as well as an issue with Killigan deciding to eat too much food at once.


ANOTHER hour of new content
A whole lot of spars
That dastardly MC again
MORE music tracks by Civ Valian, who really outdid himself this time
Incredible revelations
And more!
This build contains:

Roughly an hour of new content
A plethora of athletic events to participate in
A diabolical MC
Music tracks crafted by the INCREDIBLY talented Civ Valian
And more!
Not enough for you? No sweat!

v.0.14 (Part 2 of the Athlima Summit) is coming on January 25th, 2021, the game’s 3rd anniversary!
It’ll be an explosive end to the tournament and maybe even answer some long-lingering questions…!

I’ll be taking February off to recharge however, so there won’t be a new build that month, but there will be some new material to look at on the discord server.

Anyway, hope y’all enjoy, thanks for all your support in 2020, and happy new year!

HOTFIX: So in the process of trying to fix a rollback error that was occurring with starting up at the end of Day 8, a mishap occurred. Basically, that error is not fixed, doesn’t seem to take to any of the methods I usually use to fix it, and screwed some stuff up in regards to saves made on day 9. This hotfix actually fixes a minor display error upon showing up to the Summit with a bottom piece and adds in an extra line for a decision earlier in the day. Here’s what else you need to know:

You may encounter a rollback error upon loading up a save made around the end of Day 8, the beginning of Day 9, or the first part of the Summit. Exit out of the game and try a different save.
Saves made closer to the end of the build (mostly after the first event) should be…okay, sort of. Upon loading them up, you’ll likely find yourself thrown back to an earlier point, but they should still be playable.
All saves from previous days (before Day 8 etc) should be unaffected
Test your saves made on Day 9 with this build to be certain they’ll work for v.0.14. The worst case scenario is that you’ll have to play through Day 9 again if you have no accessible saves.
New saves made on this version should work as intended going into v.0.14.
Sorry about this inconvenience to y’all, I’ll do my best to prevent it from occurring again in the future. The nature of development is that stuff like this happens sometimes, but at least this time it’s salvagable.

HOTFIX 2: Additional bugs were found in the last hotfix, mainly attributed to me having jumped the gun and updated to the Ren’Py 7.4 engine while it’s still got its own bugs to iron out.

v.0.13b reverts back to the Ren’Py 7.3.5 engine we were running on before and should still be stable for months, if not years, to come. The above hotfix information still applies to v.0.13b, there’ll likely still be some old-build Day 9 save weirdness, but this should be the last hotfix needed until v.0.14.

“Hey y’all!
So there’s some fun stuff in this update! Content-wise, it covers the start of Day 7 and its events, but I ran out of time cramming in new assets and changes for this month, so the last part of it is gonna have to wait ’til next month’s build. Some of those changes include:

A certain part of Day 3 now has a unique music track, crafted by the talented Civ Valian! It can be found upon entering somewhere with an athletic atmosphere…
Choices that give personality/stat gains or are locked-off options are now abundantly more clear. Locked-off options now have a more identifiable graphic before the text.
Brawn rapid-tap QTEs have been adjusted to better incorporate how much Killigan’s brawn stat factors in. They should be a decent measure easier now (but not too easy!)”

Hey y’all!

So this update contains the back half of Day 6, including another freeform-style exploration of what Killigan can do in Aris, after the events of the last build. What do the clutchmates do when they’re not sparring? Who’s at the bathhouse today? What’s going on in the Bestial Alleys? Find out in this new build!

Hope y’all enjoy!

It’s down to the wire, I know, but here’s this month’s update! There’s a *lot* that went into this build, especially a brand new exploration mechanic! This’ll be a big part of the next few days leading up to the Athlima Summit, plus it’ll take you a few playthroughs to see all the options, just for Day 5 alone!

Additionally, there’ll be a much shorter v.0.7.1 update once I’ve gotten a chance to rest, which will cap off this day’s events. Stay tuned for any hotfixes and QOL improvements in the meantime!

Hope y’all enjoy!

EDIT: v.0.7a Hotfix has been uploaded! It should fix a couple progression issues and…calms down a certain skrilzi who really loves to bet his money away. If you’ve already gone through the content, please play through Day 5 again for the best experience!”

Aris Day 4

Skipping/Rollback (except during certain scenes and combat)
Named save pages and labelled save files
Graphic changes to some UI elements for better visibility


Icekingchernobog thanks for the links





As a closing remark, we hope you enjoy every moment of this game and find plenty of excitement within it. Don’t forget to stay tuned for updates and the latest information about other exciting games. Thank you for joining our community, and have fun!

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